a goranga tribesman

Full name a goranga tribesman
Level 55
Race Galorian
Class Ranger
Main faction KOS
Health points 13,750
Damage 78 to 219
Attack speed83%
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Default Ranger List

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Shiny Ore Machete (1HS) - 10.345% (10.345% Global)
    2. Shiny Stone Hammer (1HB) - 6.897% (6.897% Global)
    3. Hardened Driftwood Great Staff (2HB) - 3.448% (3.448% Global)
    4. Small Piece of Acrylia (Combinable) - 31.034% (31.034% Global)
    5. Large Brick of Acrylia Ore (Gems) - 13.793% (13.793% Global)
    6. Rune of Impetus (Combinable) - 3.448% (3.448% Global)
    7. Words of Bondage (Combinable) - 3.448% (3.448% Global)
    8. Wing of Xegony (Combinable) - 10.345% (10.345% Global)
    9. Words of Requisition (Combinable) - 3.448% (3.448% Global)
    10. Words of Odus (Combinable) - 3.448% (3.448% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Maiden's Eye

  • a_goranga_tribesman_1433521 : 1439 / 1193 / -151
    Spawns every 18 min 50 sec