a Trueborn night agent

Full name a Trueborn night agent
Level 64
Race Shade
Class Warrior
Main faction Progeny
Health points 35,000
Damage 206 to 681
Attack speed90%
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fire Opal (Combinable) - 20% (20% Global)
    2. Crystallized Sulfur (Combinable) - 20% (20% Global)
    3. Essence of Moonlight (Combinable) - 20% (20% Global)
    4. Miniature Stone Statuette (Combinable) - 20% (20% Global)
    5. Pure Shadowy Essence (Gems) - 20% (20% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Black Powder (Gems) - 40% (40% Global)
    2. Ritualistic Torture Veil (Combinable) - 40% (40% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Mistmoore's Catacombs: Struggles within the Progeny

  • mmcc102771 : -168 / 202 / -2
    Spawns every 3 hours

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with