a deluded holgresh

Full name a deluded holgresh
Level 18
Race Holgresh
Class Enchanter
Main faction KOS
Health points 360
Damage 9 to 38
Attack speed99%
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

Default Enchanter List

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Fire Emerald (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    2. Crystallized Sulfur (Combinable) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    3. Holgresh Meat (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    4. Holgresh Fur (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    5. Holgresh Wing (Combinable) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    6. Phosphorous Powder (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    7. Holgresh Mojo Stick (Gems) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    8. Pristine Crystal Sliver (Combinable) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    9. Immaculate Crystal Crown (Combinable) - 14.286% (14.286% Global)
    10. Rune of Impulse (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    11. Deteriorated Page (Combinable) - 21.429% (21.429% Global)
    12. Glistening Ice (Combinable) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)
    13. Frosty Holgresh Tail (Gems) - 7.143% (7.143% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Miragul's Menagerie: Heart of the Menagerie

  • mirg1 : 1164 / -697 / -117
    Spawns every 4 hours
  • mirg1 : 661 / -247 / -117
    Spawns every 4 hours
  • mirg1 : 1089 / -655 / -117
    Spawns every 4 hours