an enraged stoneservant

Full name an enraged stoneservant
Level 64
Race Geonid
Class Warrior
Main faction Citizens of Takish-Hiz
Health points 28,000
Damage 291 to 880
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

This NPC casts the following spells

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Sapphire (Combinable) - 2% (2% Global)
    2. Mithril Amulet (Jewelry) - 2% (2% Global)
    3. Crystallized Sulfur (Combinable) - 16% (16% Global)
    4. Ogreskin Chamois (Gems) - 21% (21% Global)
    5. Phosphorous Powder (Combinable) - 8% (8% Global)
    6. Ancient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect (Augmentation) - 2% (2% Global)
    7. Immaculate Geomantic Orb (Combinable) - 6% (6% Global)
    8. Lustrous Sand Figurine (Combinable) - 8% (8% Global)
    9. Faded Geomancy Page (Combinable) - 6% (6% Global)
    10. Calcified Statuette (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    11. Sparkling Geomantic Shards (Combinable) - 6% (6% Global)
    12. Useless Shard Piece (Combinable) - 8% (8% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Takish-Hiz: Within the Compact

  • takc241084 : -643 / -152 / 4
    Spawns every 10 min 40 sec

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with